May 24, 25 and 26th, 2011
Eight Time World Champion Cowboy Joe Beaver, recently held a calf roping clinic at the Kim Equine Pavilion and Education Center, or Mustang Pavilion as it is known locally. The construction taking place in the competition arena portion of the facility was halted to allow Joe to conduct the clinic. The number of participants was limited and when word got out about the clinic the enrollment quickly filled up months ago and has had a long waiting list for quite some time.
The Mustang Pavilion Arena is actually big enough that it was split lengthwise and break away roping happened on one side and tie down roping on the other side. The ability to split the arena gave every student ample opportunity to run numerous calves each day.
Joe commented that even though the facility was not completed yet and construction workers were in fact working during the clinic, it was still a phenomenal facility. He also stated that it was very difficult for him to schedule a clinic if it was not hosted in a facility like the Mustang Pavilion. Joe went on to say that without a facility like the Mustang Pavilion and if the weather turns out bad then everyone involved is just out. With strong winds each day of the clinic it would have been very difficult, if not impossible, and certainly less beneficial to the students had it not been held in the Mustang Pavilion.
Every student left with more confidence, fundamental knowledge, and was better mentally prepared to win. Joe is as great a teacher as he was a competitor.
Numerous people stopped by to watch the clinic. John Marroney, a community leader, commented “who would have ever thought we would have Joe Beaver putting on a roping clinic in our town of Kim”. Jaxon Autry, the Kim School Athletic Director stated, “what a great positive atmosphere to have our kids and community in general associated with”.
We would like to thank Joe Beaver and his crew for a great experience at the Mustang Pavilion and Zane and Barb Leininger for putting it all together. It was such a success that it looks like a second annual Joe Beaver Clinic is already in the works for next year, if you didn’t make this one don’t miss the next one. One student put it best when he said “It was awesome”.