Businesses in Kim

The Kim Outpost

Lon and Anita Robertson

–719 643-5265

Right Tire LLC

Pat & Nikki Shannon

380 State Hwy 160

Kim, CO 81049

719 469 0801

Cowboy Cabins

719 353 1811

310 Hwy 160

Kim, CO 81049

Owner/Manager: Joanna Patterson

RCMR Inc. 

EZ Ration Hay Processor

RC Patterson, President

800 242 9599

Ricke Feemster CPA

719 643 5563

Yocam Pump & Supply

Gene Yocam

–719 643-5371

–719 469-5371

Canyon Journeys

Casey and Laneha Everett

–719 643-5414

Trails End Bar 

Bernard and Helen Heguy

Located on Highway 160 on the South End of Town

719 643 5221

Ladder Ranch Loader and Dirt Work

John Marroney

Jackson Hewitt Tax

Nikki Shannon

High Plains LP Services

719 845-7612

Mosimann Saddlery

Rem Mosimann

806 376 0960 

Mosimann Hunting and Outfitting

Rem and Stormie Mosimann

806 376 0960
719 643 5217

Mike’s Pearce Guide and Outfitting

719 643 5220

T7 Rock – Guide and Outfiting

719 643 5380

Shane Goode Guide and Outfiting

 719 643 5381

Purgatory Experience Hunting and Lodge

719 384 5813 

Dale Yocam Pipeline and Dirt Work

719 643 5354 or 719 980 5107

If you are a member of the Kim Community and would like to have your business added to the listing, please send us an email with the information you want listed!

Business Opportunities in Kim

There are a wide variety of opportunities that would be options for entrepreneurs. As more and more activities start taking place at the Mustang Pavilion the list will no doubt grow. The Kim community is a wonderful place to live and raise kids.

Houses Available in Kim

With our growing community and wonderful opportunities find your dream home and settle into the good life. The Kim community is a wonderful place to live and raise kids.

Job Opportunities in Kim

There are many opportunities for building a home and career in the Kim community. Find a list of available opportunities or contact us directly if you don't find something that fits just right.